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Our mission is to provide public service for other non-profit organizations, community enrichment causes and underserved individuals in areas of awareness, youth education and fundraising to bring positive results to an otherwise negative circumstance.


At Buku Cares, our top priority and goal is the improvement of the community in which we reside. Years of experience have taught us that all it takes is one small change to make a big impact. So we form partnerships with the citizens and organizations of our community in order to help bring that improvement into fruition. Learn more about the causes we’re passionate about and get in touch with us to see how you can get involved.


We welcome volunteers!


Buku Cares recruits Detroit area youth as volunteers or (with corporate contributions) paid Interns through the
“AS I SAY AND DO” hands-on apprenticeship program. In 2017, Buku Cares is seeking corporate funding to host Media Arts Workshops in the areas of:


Sound Engineering

Video Editing

Recording Studio Engineering

Digital Still Photography


The purpose of these workshops is to introduce students to a trade or career and to prepare them for professional internships or entry-level positions in their field of study. The workshops will be taught by active professionals who are owners of their own media arts businesses, each having thirty plus years of experience in their respective disciplines.

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This program is Buku Cares’ event underwriting campaign where we provide FREE admission to culturally enriching events for at-risk youth, adoptive children in foster care and youth who have aged-out of the foster care system. This program often times serves as our youth recipients’ first direct exposure to a stage play, museum, live sporting event or symphony orchestra. Buku Cares solicits corporate or individual underwriters to cover the cost of tickets so the Detroit area youth and their guardians can attend these socially educating events at no charge. We also seek to acquire tickets through foundations that are set up for this specific purpose. The education and cultural and social enrichment attained by the “PAY A CHILD’S WAY” experience is priceless. It is Buku Cares firm belief that a child who can appreciate the Arts and Culture is far less likely to become a wayward child. Help us build up our Southeast Michigan community by investing in the future of our youth.

Please “Pay A Child’s Way” to a special event today!

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In 2017, our spotlighted public service project is a fundraising campaign for THE ANGEL HOUSE in support of female victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and their children. Help Buku Cares to advance the charge of THE ANGEL HOUSE to secure refuge to women fleeing from abuse, to help meet their everyday needs during their transition, provide them with awareness training and help them back on the road to a secure, happy, abuse-free life for these deserving women and their children.


THE ANGEL HOUSE is located in Livonia, Michigan and directed by Karen R. Lewis. A former victim of domestic violence, in 2014 Karen lost her eldest child and unborn granddaughter when the abuse to her eight months pregnant daughter turned fatal. This loss inspired Karen to help other women to survive this horrific aggression through the great work she and others are doing at THE ANGEL HOUSE.

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